
Pat Haverfield

Through­out my life it seems I have been fas­ci­nated with the trea­sures I’ve found in nature. A devoted beach­comber, who was always look­ing for that truly extra­or­di­nary seashell, and the most inter­est­ing piece of drift­wood, beach glass, or dried sea­weed. I have trekked through forests and deserts as well, cap­ti­vated by twisted roots and unusual rocks.

By voca­tion, I am an Adver­tis­ing Photographer/​Director rec­og­nized mostly for my shots of food as well as what’s known as table­top pho­tog­ra­phy, or still life. In that work I find I grav­i­tate towards the tight shot, striv­ing for the most reveal­ing look at what­ever I am shoot­ing. Always try­ing to show the viewer the absolute essence of things like flow­ing syrup, splash­ing milk, or the drip of mois­ture run­ning down the side of a cold glass. My main focus has always been to show­case tex­ture, shape, and good com­po­si­tion, with remark­able lighting.

Sev­eral years ago I was cap­ti­vated by the work of a retired gen­tle­man who was man­ag­ing to cre­ate gor­geous images shoot­ing pho­tos of tiny crys­tals that he him­self had grown. I was hooked! Here was an oppor­tu­nity to meld my pas­sion for the hid­den trea­sures found in nature with my pas­sion for cre­at­ing art with my camera.

